Friday, May 15, 2009

Halfway There!

I am not one who normally wishes time away...except for when I am on hospital service.  This month I have been praying for patience, peace, energy, and sanity!  So far, so good; I am doing much better than I usually am by this time of the month.  I sure sound proud of myself, but it has little to do with me.  My family has been spectacular!  I have someone arranged to be "on call" with me every call day to watch the babies for me.   My mom has been here (even when I just need some rest and an extra hand at night) to watch the babies for me (and she somehow manages to cook more than one meal, clean up the house, and finish up any laundry!).  Aunt Carrie and Leslie came and helped one night and the babies had a blast playing and being held.  Dawn and Roger have been here to play and let me rest and help around the house.  Aunt Lydia and Uncle Dan have the kids right now!!  They are great with the kids also...and Matthew loves playing with them.  They are going to make wonderful parents someday.

That is basically my life right now.  Here is a quick recap of my week if you are wondering why I am so proud of my sanity!
Monday:  get up at 4:30 feed Cambell, shower, pump, off to rounds, finish rounding before all of the other residents so I can pump before checkout at 8:30, finish rounds at 1pm, pump, start clinic at 1-5pm, on call as soon as clinic finishes, put in about 7 people to the hospital overnight, sit down at 4 am for the first time (to pump of course), wash my face, brush my teeth and start rounding again, finish rounds at 1pm, sign papers to close on our house, go home to see my babies.....(oops, now it is Tuesday...aren't you supposed to sleep between the days??)
Wednesday:  sleep in today (until 5:30), pump, rounds, pump, eat lunch, clinic, pump, people getting very sick right at 4 o clock, late to leave the hospital, late to pick up the kids, barge into Page's house for dinner, eat dinner, kids baths and kids to bed, me bath, pay bills, read some journal articles, off to bed.  Matthew needs him mommy to rub his back at 2am...repeat.....
Thursday...same I am on call!  I at least have a second to sit here and type! will all be worth it soon!  Thanks again to everyone for helping and for the prayers!

Mother's day was wonderful. I had the day off and Corey was off also.  He pampered me and the babies and we had a great day!  
My little water bug!  He love putting his face in the water.
What could be better than playing in a basket of balls?    Playing in a basket of balls with your sister of course!
Cambell has been so hungry lately that I though I would give her some cereal.  She acted like I was trying to poison her!
Matthew playing with one of his new toys and Aunt Lydia, Uncle Dan, and Grandpa Roger.