Monday, August 16, 2010

Down to Just Pics...

Mostly pics over the past several months. No need to explain. Corey and I are going on a much needed break tomorrow to celebrate our 10th anniversary. We are excited for some quiet time will be our first trip away with out the kids for more than a night or two, they are going to be in great hands. Hopefully we will have some email or some way to keep up with their sweet faces (and maybe make me more sympathetic to those who don't have the luxury of watching them grow up each day). Thanks to everyone who plans to help out while we are gone. Special prayer requests for Roger...he is not feeling well, for my patients while I am gone-they don't like for me to be away, for Page and Jon to have good news from recent testing, for my sweet cousin Mere to have a happy start to a good marriage, she deserves to be adored.

Camping out (in the back yard)...we had a great time with smores and all! I love the time I get to spend with my precious family.
Uncle Morgan surprised us with a wonderful visit!
Almost played himself to sleep in his new sandbox that daddy built him under the grape vine.
Washin' the dog

This was at Mindy's beautiful should have seen all of the kids scramble when the "pea cops" (as Matthew called them) came near...not my adventurous little Cambell...she was chasing them with no fear!

Matthew helping his daddy put together the tent.
Hannah holding little Cambell (Hannah looks so much like her mom, both beautiful girls).

Playing in the pool in Granny's backyard under the close eye of Granny and Papa T.
Matthew and Pappaw watching the fireworks
Fourth of July was great to get to spend time with cousins and family...but this is WAY to many kids under the age of 6 with sparklers (with my daddy and Uncle Fred being the "adults" of the situation).

She is such character! She wanted rollers in her hair (which turned out to be a mess when they came out!) and then decided she needed to stand in the coffee can. Paying for my raising. Sorry mom.

I love this picture of Matthew and Emma!
Not a fear in the world.

Since all of this my sister and her family came for a much needed visit...I don't know where the pictures are but we had so much fun. Her children are all growing up and are so unique and special. Stefani is like a friend now and so grown up. We had a girls night at the clinic with microderm, chemical peels, and maybe a little botox, too (shhhh), it was so fun. Matthew is still asking for his "cousits." He loved especially playing with all of the younger kids and Taci is a natural at caring for the kids. Jacob a true little boy with a sweet tender heart and Mikali just a bit mischevious and oh so smart. Kiri is a good girl and not afriad to be herself. I love them all so much...I feel bad for no pictures. I think if they would move to Texas we would have alot more pictures.

Matthew and Uncle Morgan
The whole office needed a break so the docs and our near 30 employees took the afternoon to swim and have some fun...I can still do a back flip!
Kids playing in the water at the party
Long day of playing in the pool in the yard.
We love our swing at Pappaw's house.

These are the people I work with, Dr. King, McClanahan, Watkins, me and Leslie
Aunt Lydia entertaining a bored more pedicure time...they drained the water out of the little pools and she was done!
Girl time

Granny and Aunt Carrie and Cambell, she did so good!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

I think she likes Spaghetti! ...and a few more

Getting tired of saying it, but we have been oh so busy lately. Corey has started back to work and we are getting adjusted to a busy family with two working parents again. He is happy and actually just started back to his regular old shift tonight, while I started another week of call. The kids are doing great...and I think, in spite of all my worry, they are very well adjusted kids who really love their lives (I think someone very wise must have told me that, thanks!). We have had a wonderful few weekends at home including mother's day. On mother's day we got to spend time with Corey's mom and dad, and Page and Jon and Jackson. My parents were in Florida having a great time, but we missed them. Corey cooked some amazing steaks and made it a very special day for me and the kids.
No explanation needed, right? This girl loves to eat!
Precious time before of my favorite times, look at those crooked smiles!

She is such a ham! I could put about 10 of these type of pictures up just from this one day! She loves to make fun for the camera.
Bathtime is another favorite. They are so cute and have started to help bathe each other which usually turns into some sort of game we adults don't understand! Just like this is called bath monsters!

Working outside with his big-truck is one of his favorite things to do.
First taste of corn-on-the-cob was a big hit.
Mother's day in my new sun-room with two sweet babies and Jon's "famous" big red ice-cream! Good times!
Cambell and Jackson.
This is a picture from Easter of the new airplane Pappaw made for Matthew. Cambell got one too, it was pink and they were both a big hit along with all of the other special gifts from Mammaw, Granny, Lydia and Dan, Tommy, and Aunt Carrie.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We are Still Here...

I feel so gulty for not being able to keep up on the blog. I know there are some family and friends who like to keep up with the kids through pictures and posting on the blogs. I have so many to catch up on...they are noted and pictures chosen....just no time to upload the pictures and finish it up. It is on my list of things to do! I will try to do better. I appreciate the support we've been given as we are trying to get through this time of being so busy in our lives (God has blessed our business and we are struggling to find the balance with our families that we so desire).