I am coming up on my last month of service as a resident, EVER! :) I will be so glad when this month is over. It is a stressful exhausting month for me working an average of 80 hours a week with 30 hours stretches of call at a time. I LOVE my job and my patients, but this will not be something I miss. Needless to say I barely have time to love on my babies so I doubt I will have time to blog (unless it is during a lull in the middle of the night!). BTW...early thanks to all of my family who pitches in to help me care for the babies and even volunteer to watch the kids while I have a nap. Here are some pictures we took over the last week. They are growing up so fast. Cambell's newest thing is that she loves to be tossed up in the air (I guess she must have some of that Locker daredevil blood in her!) and she will talk and squeel to you. Matthew is so cute putting words together to make sentences like "da ball go?" for where did the ball go. He says "back back Harden" for get back Harley (the dog) when we go outside (E-ow). He runs everywhere he goes and is into everything! He occ. has to be put into time out for throwing fits or throwing balls in the house! He is such a sweet little man.
The expression on her face is so cute! What a darling little angel.
Corey can't get over her beautiful eyes.
YAY! That is awesome that you are almost done! You know if you need an extra hand in the evening you are welcome to call-I would love to love on your babies! Good luck this next month!
Wow, I was exhausted reading about your next month. Hang in there, it will be over so soon! Will be praying for you the next month. Sure wish I could come stay with your babies. Darling pictures of your precious babies.
Oh my, how they have changed in just a week!! I am so thankful that this is your last service month. We will all take good care of the kids when Corey is not able to. (Cambell does have beautiful eyes) and I am afraid that Matthew does have alot of Locker in him,i.e., outdoor boy, airplanes, chubby hands and.....small temper. Am looking forward to seeing them soon. Mamaw
These pictures are great! I loved seeing you yesterday. Matthew and Cambell are so precious! I really enjoyed our evening. I hope to see you again soon!
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