Friday, February 27, 2009

Mama's Little Helper

What a good little helper I have. Everything from putting up toys and moving the laundry to the dyer and unloading the laundry basket (onto the floor, of course) to helping me cook and sweep the back porch and empty out the sandbox! He is always willing to help me long as it is fun!

Matthew is becoming more and more vocal everyday. He has started to learn and say a word just by hearing it now and is starting to put words together to make sentences. When he was one he was able to say mommy, daddy, cow, balloon, bite, ball, thank you, and please and few others. He could sign milk, dog, flower and will still sign those plus he will now sign and say more. Now his vocabulary is getting so big. He will say, "Daddy go?" for where did daddy go. Madaddy for mommy and daddy. He is really good at saying thank you when he is given something, especially food! He also has some words than don't really resemble the item they stand for....
Eesh means movie. Babap means put it back or put it up. Pyden for poty or toilet. Gogeegogee for hungry hungry and for doggy. We haven't figured out a few of Matthew's own special words including Ya, Ya, Ya (I think it means outside) and I-den, I-den.

Another fun word game is to ask what certain things say or do and to name his body parts. He can say how a car goes "beep beep," a dog goes "eh eh," a fish goes...he makes a fish face, and a bird flaps its wings! Too cute. He can name and point to his nose, ears, eyes, head, tongue, feet, hands, toes and belly button. We are working on thyroid and liver...but they are not as fun to point to! My next project will be to figure out how to put videos on here so you can see him in action...don't hold your breath!

Emptying out the sandbox...he hates to touch the sand!

Helping me sweep the porch

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow, he is getting SO big.. we really need to get together. I need to hold that little girl again too. Miss you!