Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What We've Been Doing!

Well...having babies of course. I just thought I would give a quick update on our family over the past few years. I graduated from medical school in 2006 and started my residency in family medicine. Corey was then able to start his career in law enforcement and he loves it! My residency is almost over...I graduated in June! It has been very difficult, but I love my job! The most important events, however, have been the birth of our two beautiful children who have completed our little family. Matthew Corbin is now almost 18 months old and Cambell AnnMarie is 2 months old! They sure keep us busy! Here are a few pictures of Matthew over the past year...he is growing up too fast.

Matthew 3 months old

4 Months Old...Discovering his feet

5 Months

First Easter...6 Months Old

Happy Boy! 7 Months Old

9 Months Old, First Trip to Florida

(Mommy is 3 months pregnant!)

1 Year Old!

First Steps! November 2008

December 30th..Cambell AnnMarie is here!

1 comment:

The Bynum's said...

Wow what a crazy year it has been! So many wonderful memories!!
Welcome to the blog world, so glad you started one. I just love blogs and thing it is a great way we can keep up with each other, well mainly our children.