Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sweet Babies!

This weekend my mom came and gave me some much needed rest.  Corey has gone back to his usual schedule and I have had a hard time being by myself with the kids again (even though they are the most amazing and well behaved kids ever!).  My mom decided to come and spend the night with us Friday night and let me play doctor.  I cut off some skin lesions that she had!  It was a little stressful using a scapel on my mom!  :)  We had a great time.  As usual my mom seemed to work the whole time she was here, and I appreciate all she does for us.  
Also this past Tuesday I got to babysit little Jackson while his mom and dad got some much needed alone time!  We had a good time with Jackson, he is such a little miracle baby and it is just precious to watch him in action.

Miss Cambell all dressed up in her jeans, looking way to grown up.  She is the happiest little girl.  She will just talk and coo until she totally wears herself out!
Mammaw reading to the babies.  Matthew has become very interested in choo choo trains lately and that was the only page he wanted to look at.  His new word for the day is booger!  
Laundry basket filled with 100 balls!  What could be better??  Nothing.

Last Thursday we had some very intense Thunderstorms.  The hail was pounding down at this point and it was so loud inside the house, but it didn't seem to bother Matthew at all.  He was quite amazed!
Cambell and Jackson laying in the floor together.  It is amazing that this 6 week old little baby wasn't even due until later next week!  What a blessing that he is here and healthy.  It won't be long until he is bigger than Miss Cambell!


Amy said...

Your title is perfect! Sweet Babies - they look precious!

The Bynum's said...

You do have such sweet babies, thankfully God knew that is what you needed at this point in your life. I am so thankful your mom was able to come relieve you a little. So sorry to hear Corey is back on his normal schedule,maybe not too much longer. Give me a call when you can chat.